F0505S-2WR3/F0503S/F0512S/F0515S/F0524S-2WR3 DC to DC 5V to 3.3V/5V/9V/12V/15V/24V 2W power module/converter
B2405S-2WR3/B2403S/B2412S/B2415S/B2424S-2WR3 DC to DC 24V to 5V 2W Isolation Voltage 1500VDC Power Module Converter
F1205S-2WR3/F1203S/F1212S/F1215S/F1224S-2WR3 DC to DC 12V to 3.3V/5V/9V/12V/15V/24V 2W power module/converter
F1505S-2WR3/F1503S/F1512S/F1515S/F1524S-2WR3 DC to DC 15V to 3.3V/5V/9V/12V/15V/24V 2W power module/converter
F2405S-2WR3/F2403S/F2412S/F2415S/F2424S-2WR3 DC to DC 24V to 3.3V/5V/9V/12V/15V/24V 2W power module/converter
B2405D-1WR3 DC-DC isolated power module B2403/09/12/15/24D-1WR3 single output power converter
B1205S-2WR3/B1203S/B1209S/1212S/1215S/1224S-2WR3 DC to DC 12V to 5V 2W 400mA Isolation Voltage 1500VDC Power Module Converter
IB0305S-2WR3 IB0303/IB0309/IB0312/IB0315/IB0324S-2WHi-link DC-DC isolated power supply module with short-circuit protection
IB2412S-2WR3 IB2403/IB2409/IB2405/IB2424S-2W Hi-link DC-DC isolated power supply module with short-circuit protection